Sample Report
The report is sent via e-mail and can be easily downloaded as PDF files. I can forward a copy to your real estate agent as well. I format it system by system and include lots of pictures. I’ve included a sample for you to review to get an idea of the product you’ll get.
This report is only a sample, not an actual report as actual reports are for the client only and not shared without consent. This report is a compilation of items, findings, and information that may be found in an actual inspection report. These are samples from several different homes.

Our Reports Include:
A narrative style easy to understand report that explains concerns (and possible solutions) as well related information to help you learn ways to maintain your home.
A numbered summary in addition to the full report, this makes it easier for you to review the report and identify and prioritize issues of concern. The summary provides a quick reference to those items of highest significance contained in the report
Photo documentation with comments discussing each issue in detail.​​